Tim and Gwendy Colwell and Family
Ross River, Yukon Territory
Tim and Gwendy Colwell, along with their children have served among the Kaska and Mt. Slavey First Nations people of Ross River, Yukon since February 2001. Their focus is to see the lost come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and to see the saved become devoted followers of Jesus Christ as Lord.
Their ministries include visitation, Kid’s Bible Club, Bible studies, after-school programs, Bible camps, discipleship, regular fellowship with believers, and serving the people of their community. They desire to see a vibrant, growing church established in Ross River.
Keep up with the Colwells by visiting their ministry website
David and Joy Weaver and family
The Philippines
The Weavers went to the Philippines in 1991. As church planters, their goal was to engage in evangelism and discipleship ministries to establish self-governing, reproducing churches.
They are currently serving in the ministry they helped to create and launch called The Church Planting Institute
David and Joy Weaver are associated with TEAM, an evangelical mission agency that helps churches send missionaries to establish reproducing churches among the nations to the glory of God.
You can learn all about their ministry and keep up with their latest news on their webpage
Bob and Dorinda Bennett - Awana
New York & Pennsylvania
Bob and Dorinda Bennett have served as full-time Awana Missionaries since April 1, 1998. They partner with churches and individuals to reach children and their families in New York and Pennsylvania.
As the Lord allows we provide encouragement, inspiration, and training to local ministry leaders so that they can run a more effective ministry. Following God's direction in our lives, we hope to reach out with the Gospel of Christ through every local church. Our goal is to help every church reach out in effective ways in their communities through children, youth, and family ministries.
The Bennetts believe Awana is an amazing and effective tool for local churches. There are millions of kids in NY & PA who need to hear the wonderful, life-changing Gospel message. Bob and Dorinda are so blessed that God would use us in this great ministry.
They are blessed with two grown sons, their wives, and between them 6 grandchildren.
Keep up with the Bennetts on their ministry website